
What is Pathways?

Pathways is Toastmasters’ modernized learning experience that offers personal and professional development through different routes of exploration and achievement.

This education program is the result of years of planning and expertise by the Board of Directors, World Headquarters staff, and member volunteers.

Why start your Pathways educational journey at Netizens?

Pathways is a journey of possibilities. Benefits include:

  • Customized learning tailored to personal and professional goals
  • Early and frequent recognition of accomplishments
  • Mobile access to educational materials
  • Expanded video and digital content
  • Potential to receive the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award by completing two paths, in addition to other requirements

Get started at Netizens to learn practical skills that are transferable to the world outside Toastmasters.

Example paths
For the most currently updated path list, visit the Pathways Overview at Toastmasters International.

  • Dynamic Leadership
  • Effective Coaching
  • Engaging Humor
  • Innovative Planning
  • Leadership Development
  • Motivational Strategies
  • Persuasive Influence
  • Presentation Mastery
  • Strategic Relationships
  • Team Collaboration
  • Visionary Communication

Get started with Pathways today

Step 1: Select the right path for you

  1. Navigate to “Pathways Learning Experience” at Toastmasters International for videos, frequently asked questions, and other dynamic Pathways informational content.
  2. Review the Pathways Path and Projects Catalog (by District 57) for a list of many paths and associated projects available.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Guide to Path Selection (by District 57) for a screen-by-screen overview to select your first path on the Toastmasters website.

Step 2: Start your first project

Throughout your path, you will complete multiple projects. Your first project in Pathways will be your Icebreaker. You are recognized for every achievement and milestone you reach.

  1. Follow the instructions in the Guide to Open the Path and Launch Your First Project (by District 57) to access your Icebreaker project details.
  2. Complete the requirements for your Icebreaker as indicated on the Pathways website.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Guide to Submit Awards (by District 57) to complete your first level and awards.

For additional assistance with Pathways, please contact the Netizens Vice President of Education.

Additional resources